Return to the Moon

Mission: Return to the Moon

Return to the MoonThe year is 2040 A.D. For the first time since the last Apollo mission in 1972, man returns to the Moon. The goal of the mission is to establish a permanent lunar base that will allow the astronauts to: 1) collect and analyze data about the space environment and the Moon; 2) study the feasibility for developing a self sustaining off planet settlement; and 3) create a stepping stone for manned planetary exploration.

It is extremely costly and difficult to transport resources and equipment to construct a lunar base, so resources must be available at the landing site. Our explorers are seeking Helium-3 as a critical catalyst to initiate an experimental self-sustaining hydrogen fusion reactor system, which is being developed for future on-board power and propulsion needed for space flight. The lunar base is a test site that will utilize lunar resources for the construction and modification of the reactor and construction of the base itself.

A probe sent to the Moon on a previous mission has identified two possible landing sites: one in the lunar Terra (highlands) and the other in the Maria (lowlands). The Probe Team downloads the data and analyzes the contents to determine a possible landing site. The Remote Team examines the soils in the Terra and Maria sites for iron, gases, and radioactivity. From their analysis, they also determine a possible landing site.

The Navigation Team will guide the spacecraft out of Earth’s orbit and into lunar orbit. Once lunar orbit has been achieved, team members will evaluate the Terra and Maria sites and also determine a possible landing site.

Lunar landing will occur should the following conditions exist:

  • The Navigation, Probe, and Remote Teams have shared their results and agreed on the exact coordinates for landing.
  •  Lunar landing firing parameters have been determined.
  • All on-board emergencies are resolved.
  • Sufficient fuel and time are available for landing.